Dates & times

Learn how to set the important dates & times associated with your event

Henry Vinson avatar
Written by Henry Vinson
Updated over a week ago

After setting up your venue, it's time to set up the important dates & times associated with your event.

Performance date

This is when your event will take place. Set this time to the time of the actual performance.

Doors open

When do you begin letting customers through the door? We automatically set this to an hour before the performance time, but if you need to adjust from there, please do.

Ends at

What time does this event end? We automatically set this as 3 hours after the performance date, but you are free to adjust it further. If it's a multi day event, you can set the ending day here.

Should sales begin immediately?

If yes, we'll put tickets on sale as soon as you finish publishing the event. If you would like to schedule the event release, switch the toggle to "No"

Announcement date

What day & time should this event be announced? Once announced, an event will be published on Sellout's event listings website, but tickets will not be for sale yet.

Online sales begin

What day & time should ticket sales be allowed? An event can be announced, but online sales can be delayed until you want them to be sold. Set this field to your desired release date & time.

Online sales end

This is defaulted to the end of the show, but you can also choose to cut off online sales at any point, and force users to come to the door to purchase tickets if desired.

When should customers receive their tickets?

Customers will always receive a confirmation email/sms directly after they purchase their tickets, but you can choose to defer the actual arrival of their tickets in their inbox if you would like to use this tool to prevent scalpers from selling tickets on a secondary marketplace. This is part of an upcoming "Anti-Scalping" feature set that we are actively building at Sellout.

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