Event Overview

Learn about the Event Overview page, and what kinds of details you can glean from it.

Henry Vinson avatar
Written by Henry Vinson
Updated over a week ago

You can get to an Event Overview page at any time by clicking the Events button on the left hand navigation of Sellout Backstage and clicking on an event tile.

This will bring you to that event's overview page, which you can also access at any time while browsing within the event by clicking "Overview" on the left side navigation.

In the overview page, you'll have access to a high-level view of how your event is performing.

Event Stats

Event Stats is meant to give you a quick idea of how many sales you've done that day, or optionally you can switch to viewing "All Time" as well.


A list of all available Ticket Types, how many they have sold, and how much revenue you have made from each one. You can click any one of these Ticket Types to edit them on the fly.

You will not be able to edit every field on a ticket once sales of that ticket have begun.


A list of all available Upgrades, how many have sold, and how much revenue you have made from each one. You can click any of these Upgrades to edit them on the fly.

You will not be able to edit every field on an upgrade once sales of that upgrade have begun.

Secret Codes

A list of all available Secret Codes, and how many have been used. You can click on any of these Secret Codes to edit them on the fly.

You will not be able to edit every field on a Secret Code once sales of that upgrade have begun.

Online Sales Status

If you would like to pause all sales, you can click the "Pause Sales" button to instantly halt all sales in progress. You can easily bring sales back online by clicking the "Resume Sales" button while sales are paused.

When sales are paused, users trying to buy tickets cannot get through the sales portal cannot proceed.

The Ticket Links tile displays every site which your event is being automatically published to. Typically this might just be the sellout.io site, but if you have developed a custom site with Sellout, you can auto-publish it there as well. By clicking a link, you can copy it to your clipboard and paste it to other places for marketing purposes.


The Dates tile will show you all the significant upcoming & past dates associated with this particular event. It's even fit with a countdown clock, if you like extra suspense.

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