Refund/Cancel an order

Learn the different ways that you can refund and cancel orders within Sellout Backstage.

Henry Vinson avatar
Written by Henry Vinson
Updated over a week ago

Sellout offers a high amount of customizability and control when it comes to refunding or cancelling orders. That means you can choose to refund entire orders, refund specific items, or just issue a cash refund without cancelling the order at all.

These operations are very simple and can be done by clicking on an order at any time, either from the Orders list, or from an Event Orders list.

After clicking an order, a popup appears showing details on that order. If you scroll to the bottom of that popup, there's a text button that says 'Refund/cancel order'.

Click that button to launch a refund/cancellation window. The first thing you will be prompted to choose in that window is "What kind of cancellation/refund would you like to do?"

You have three choices: 'Cancel specific items', 'Cancel entire order', or 'Issue cash refund'.

Cancel specific items

Cancelled items will be refunded and returned to the retail pile. If you choose to cancel specific items, you will be given a list of items in the order with checkboxes next to them.

Check all the items that you would like to cancel. Additionally, choose whether or not to refund processing fees.

Note: You will be responsible for covering the processing fees should you choose to refund them.

You can optionally add a reason for cancellation, which will be emailed to the customer as soon as the items are cancelled.

Once you click the orange 'Cancel Items' button at the bottom of the window, the cancellation/refund will be initiated, the items will be returned to the retail pile.

Cancel entire order

Cancelling an entire order is exactly what it sounds like. It cancels and refunds all items in the order, returning the cash to the customer, and the items to the retail pile.

Additionally, choose whether or not to refund processing fees.

Note: You will be responsible for covering the processing fees should you choose to refund them.

You can optionally add a reason for cancellation, which will be emailed to the customer as soon as the order is cancelled.

Once you click the orange 'Cancel Order' button at the bottom of the window, the cancellation/refund will be initiated, the items will be returned to the retail pile.

Issue cash refund

If you'd like to just issue a cash refund to a customer, but allow them to keep the items in their order, you can select the 'Issue cash refund' option.

This will show you a list of charges made to the customer, and a dialogue box associated with that charge where you can enter an amount to refund.

Make sure that the amount that you enter in the dialogue box does not exceed the initial charge, and click the orange 'Issue Refund' button to initiate the refund. The customer will receive an email notifying them of the incoming refund immediately.

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